Comments on: Lincoln: Art and Politics Informed reflection on the events of the day Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: nevilleross Tue, 05 Mar 2013 20:06:00 +0000 As much as I didn’t really care for Lincoln the movie myself (this subject has been done to death a billion times), I wish that it had won Best Picture instead of Argo; at least Lincoln was about real history, instead of fake history. Then again, I’ve wished that Marvel’s Avengers was nominated and won Best Picture instead of either Lincoln or Argo-that movie spoke to the zeitgeist a lot more than both the other Oscar noms.

By: UP OP Sat, 08 Dec 2012 07:20:00 +0000 Kushner’s elaborate hystrionics really don’t suit
the subject. And who asked for this –6th? –7th?
Lincoln retread –again with Sally Field? —-and
using a foreign actor?

Further, even putting Day lewis’s stilted impression
—and Spielberg’s oppressive waxworks, industrialized
‘authenticity’ to one side —-NOTHING NEW is brought
to the table.

Surely the ONLY urgently relevant aspect of the
entire Lincoln legacy yet to be treated, or even
mentioned by the capstone Hollywood franchise
slum —was Lincoln’s very possibly —FATAL—
diss of the Global USURY bank syndicate over
finance of the war.

CHECK OUT ‘Money Masters’ documentary online
and beam it to every one you know.

THEN see what you make of Spielberg’s latest
piece of predictive programming and PC moral
alibis for things unfolding…
