Comments on: DC Two Weeks in Review: Obama Kills Osama! Victory! The War on Terror is Over! Let’s Think. Informed reflection on the events of the day Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vince Carducci Sun, 15 May 2011 19:42:00 +0000 In 1984, George Orwell notes that the primary benefit to the government of Oceania of the endless state of war alternately with Eurasia and Eastasia is to promote a continual state of emergency and use of fear over the domestic population. From the beginning, I believed that was part of the Cheney-Bush agenda in the wake of 9/11. Also, while I agree with Jeff’s observation that the spontaneous street celebrations chip away at the ideological hegemony of the war on terror, I feel more affinity with those who see in the methods used by the US to whack Bin Laden a continuation not a repudiation of the Bush Doctrine and American exceptionalism.

By: Vince Carducci Sat, 14 May 2011 22:17:00 +0000 Rev Billy’s meditation on the mediation of Osama Bin Laden.

By: Laslanian Fri, 13 May 2011 20:50:00 +0000 I think we are overlooking some very important realities about images when we talk about showing or not showing Bin Laden’s dead body and when we talk about what we did see– the image released of various heads of office watching the assassination of Bin Laden. First, of all images never speak for themselves. They are mediated through the media and/or our own personal narratives. The way people receive images cannot be controlled. For example, I made a conscious decision not to look at any of the pictures of the hanging of Hussein in Iraq. It made me sick to my stomach that Bush et. al. invaded Iraq and killed Hussein and his sons (or had them killed) in the very public way they did. And I was not gleeful to see Hussein, bedraggled in a jail cell, deprived of human dignity and exposed, really, for all to see. So, when I was on the internet and I was searching something an image of Hussein being hanged came on— and I only saw maybe 10 seconds of the clip— here is what I felt before Hussein before I could catch myself reacting: respect. He did not break down, shit in his pants, nothing. He went to his death like the mafia he admired. What did I feel when I saw him in that hospital light on the media— empathy. These are not two things I would have felt for Hussein had I never saw those images. He as a pig— but the point is this: putting images out there of Osama being killed, or his dead body would not stabilize public reaction. I think it would further destabilize it and set in motion a media circus that opens up a whole host of reactions to the images and a kind of salacious lingering on photos of the dead man. And people may even feel, against their better judgment, what I felt for Hussein: empathy and/or respect.

Back to the one image, no doubt strategically released, of the players in the situation room—- here is what I thought when I saw it. Every single person looks dead serious. Their faces fit the scene. I took solace in this and here is why— because if it were the previous administration, I think there would have been smiles and glee. And it would have disgusted me.

Speaking of the previous administration and Jeff’s notion that the war on terror can now end—- it does not have to be endless if we killed its’ captain— the elimination of OBL by Obama in 18 months really makes me sad in a way– said is not the right word, but I have not found the word yet that really gets it—- here is what I feel/think: this could have been done within 18 months of September 11 if Bush/Cheney/Rummy/Rice/Bremmer wanted it to happen. And then we would have had no justification for the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan and we would have been spared 8 years of the tyranny of fear and all that that fear and the playing on it allowed the previous administration to do. The killing of Osama Bin Laden reinforces my most cynical convictions that Bush and Cheney wanted him alive so they could scare their population into doing whatever they wanted to do under the guise of a war on terror. And what they did with that fear is plunge Iraq further into the abyss, lose many lives in Afghanistan (not just American) and pretty much bankrupt the country by backing the financial industries playing with people’s lives with the trading of such obtuse financial instruments that many with an MBA cannot quite make sense of the endless deferred payments. I guess there is sadness and political rage and the overwhelming sense of the futility of the lives and wealth lost in only 8 short years.
